Steve Morphy

Just for Fun

A selection of previous work/coursework or personal creative work based on my favourite subject matter.

Applebite: Album Cover & Booklet

Album cover and booklet concept for a prog band.

Design Inspiration

A collection of written pieces about objects or designs that have influenced my life. Laid out as magazine articles.
The Alien spread at the top of this page is part of this work collection.

La Jettee Poster Designs

Based on the sixties film that Twelve Monkeys was based on. I laid out one poster in keeping with the style and feel of the film and another version aimed at the English speaking market with a more modern horror feel.

1910-1920 & 1950 – 1960 articles

Ariticles that I wrote about these decades, laid out with graphic elements from those periods as a fold out poster with a timeline and cover image.

Artist Influence

I wrote the content for this book about one of my favourite artists, Robet Rauschenberg and his influence as one of the pop artists. The work is laid out in the format of an exhibition booklet featuring his works.

Modern Culture Reference

Well, what can you say. I grew up with all this, so here’s a little homage to Star Wars as a set of three retro posters.

Watchmen: Film Preview Event

Film preview brochure for the Watchmen Film (2010) for a local cinema. Designed and laid out as a fold out brochure with content written about each character. The design is based on the graphic novel – all graphic content concepts are original for this using character photography from the film.